Sunday, April 29, 2012

Choose your love, love your choice.

"There is great wisdom in those few words. Commitment in marriage is absolutely essential." 

- President. Monson

One of the myths that stood out to me during our class discussions was, people marry each other because they love each other. True. But that doesn't mean because you love them, you have to marry them. There are different types of love and sometimes we let our emotions get the best of us. I'm not married so I don't know what that feels like, but what I do know, is what I've seen in other couples. This weekend I visited one of my friends who just got married (weird). I couldn't help but think about all the things I had learned about in class and the things I had read about, they were sort of my test lab. I noticed a lot of things. I saw how they had to compromise when went to the grocery store, think before she bought something ( we went a little crazy when we got to the mall), and lastly communicate. Sure these are things we should do anyways, but it really changes when you have to think about the other person. That day my parents called me. Well actually my mom called me, but I was sort on speaker because I could clearly hear my dad in the background AND he was responding to everything I was saying. Anyways, as I walked around Walmart with my newlywed friends I saw a little of my parents in them. Maybe it was because I was talking to my parents at the same time, but it was definitely one of those moments that just made you stop. Here were these two people who had been married for less a month and there were my parents who had been married for almost 30 years. Although they were at completely different points in their marriage I could still feel that love. I felt that commitment that President. Monson talked about and I realized there is definitely more to marriage then just the word love. Love can only take you so far, which is a lesson I'm slowly beginning to grasp. So when you pick your love, love your choice.